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System SIRIM certified:
* MS 628-1 (BS 3505)
* MS 628-2-2.2 (BS 4346-2) Bell-Mouth
* MS 762 (BS 3506)
Application: Piping system for water supply and industrial use.
SIRIM certified:
* MS 1063 (BS EN 1329.1 - Revision of BS 4514 & BS 5255)
Application: Piping system soil, waste and ventilating discharge within building structure.
System SIRIM certified:
* MS 628-1 (BS 3505)
* MS 628-2-2.2 (BS 4346-2) Bell-Mouth
* MS 762 (BS 3506)
Application: Piping system for water supply and industrial use.
SIRIM certified to:
* MS 1034
Application: Conduit for underground telecommunication cables.
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